Category: Plants

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 35, We Are the Forest with Nathan Ayers

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 35, We Are the Forest with Nathan Ayers

Today we’re talking to Nathan Ayers who teaches Permaculture to students of all ages in Michigan. This is Nathans second time on the show, and it’s always a great time having him. If you like this one, be sure to check out Episode 18 as well where we discussed water solutions to the Flint, MI Water Crisis.
Today we talk about Nathan and his brother Nick’s exciting new project; We Are the Forest. In addition to their work in the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area, they are also involved on Beaver Island.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 34, How to Start an Edible Plant Nursery with Sean Dembrosky

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 34, How to Start an Edible Plant Nursery with Sean Dembrosky

This weeks episode is about how to start your own edible permaculture plant nursery with special guest, Sean Dembrosky of Edible Acres. Edible Acres is a small homestead and plant nursery that Sean runs in the Finger Lakes area of New York State. Today, he shares with us some great tips to getting started or improving our own plant nurseries.

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How to Establish Understory/Groundcover Plants in your Orchard or Forest Garden [Video]

How to Establish Understory/Groundcover Plants in your Orchard or Forest Garden [Video]

A really good way to integrate ground cover species is overseeding either into the existing vegetation or into the compost mulch pits. We typically use a combination of like legumes like clover and veg and all that stuff and then top rooted plants like daikon, turnip, chicory, things like that they have deep taproots.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 31, Top Plants for Temperate Climate Permaculture with Bryce Ruddock

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 31, Top Plants for Temperate Climate Permaculture with Bryce Ruddock

Today’s guest Bryce Ruddock, is an author, educator and avid forest gardener from Wisconsin. Today Bryce shares his favorite plants to grow from among the hundreds of species that he’s experimented with at his home. I definitely recommend getting your notebooks out for this episode because Bryce shares so many great species and resources that deserve a closer look by anyone interested in gardening like an ecosystem.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 24, Growing Nutrient Dense Food with Dan Kittredge

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 24, Growing Nutrient Dense Food with Dan Kittredge

Today’s guest, Dan Kittrege has been an organic farmer since childhood, and has been developing a deep understanding of how a nutrient rich soil leads to healthier plants and healthier foods and ultimately healthier people and planet. He created the Bionutrient Food Association to promote this understanding of growing nutrient dense food. He also runs Kittredge farm in Brookfield, MA where he does his research and practices the science.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 23, Permaculture Farming at Cooperative 518 with Alec Gioseffi and Lauren Nagy

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 23, Permaculture Farming at Cooperative 518 with Alec Gioseffi and Lauren Nagy

Today’s guests Alec Gioseffi and Lauren Nagy run the CSA Farm Cooperative 518 in Princeton, New Jersey. They provide nourishing food to the local community using permaculture farming practices. The farm is home to chickens, cats, sheep, pigs, nine humans, veggies, herbs, flowers, a small upcycled greenhouse, a large seasonal hoop house, and two tiny homes.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 22, How to do Non-Profit Permaculture with Robyn Mello

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 22, How to do Non-Profit Permaculture with Robyn Mello

Today’s guest is Robyn Mello. I met Robyn in November at the Advanced Permaculture Course I took in Akron, OH. I got to learn all about the non-profit she works for, the Philadelphia Orchard Project. They’re putting in public orchard and forest gardens all around Philadelphia. Robin has learned a ton about what it takes to run a successful urban agriculture focused non-profit permaculture organization so that’s the theme of today’s interview.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 19, Why Should I Take a Permaculture Design Course? with Rhonda Baird

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 19, Why Should I Take a Permaculture Design Course? with Rhonda Baird

That’s a taste of some of the types of things you would learn by taking a Permaculture Design Course. Today I’m talking to Rhonda Baird about why you would want to take a PDC, what it covers, and what you get out of it. Rhonda has been a Permaculture teacher for 10 years and shares her journey from taking her first PDC, to today where she has a thriving homestead and teaches numerous PDCs a year. She will also be one of the guest teachers for the upcoming PDC here in Traverse City this spring.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 17, Carbon Farming – Crops to Stop Climate Change with Eric Toensmeier

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 17, Carbon Farming – Crops to Stop Climate Change with Eric Toensmeier

Eric Toensmeier is the award-winning author of the books Perennial Vegetables and Paradise Lot, which describes how he converted his run-down city lot into a diverse plant sanctuary in Massachusets. He was also the co-author to Dave Jacke from episode 14 on the two volume set Edible Forest Gardens. Eric has a brand new book about to come out about Carbon Farming and the strategies that agriculture can use to sequester CO2 to help mitigate climate change.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 15, Spiral Ridge Permaculture with Cliff Davis

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 15, Spiral Ridge Permaculture with Cliff Davis

Today’s guest, Cliff Davis was telling me that having all those pigs and plants to care for makes it hard to leave home and travel to experience new cultures and perspectives. And he values those experiences for personal growth and expansion, plus their a great source for new ideas. But fortunately there’s a continual flow of students and interns coming through his place, Spiral Ridge Permaculture…

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 14, Edible Forest Gardens, Coppice, and Culture Design with Dave Jacke

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 14, Edible Forest Gardens, Coppice, and Culture Design with Dave Jacke

Today’s guest is Dave Jacke who has been mentioned several times already in previous episodes. He was the co-author of the book that I’m no longer allowed to call the “bible” of designing edible forest garden ecosystems, which is Edible Forest Gardens Volumes 1 and 2.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 13, Sacred Earth Landscaping and Farm with Eran Rhodes

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 13, Sacred Earth Landscaping and Farm with Eran Rhodes

Today’s guest is Eran Rhodes of Sacred Earth Landscaping soon to be based out of his new family farm in Benzie County, Michigan. Before moving northwards, he started his own permaculture landscaping business in Chicago, traveled around working at many sustainable farms around the country, and also worked at Oikos Tree Crops nursery. Him and his family have a beautiful vision for their new farm. Check it out.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 8, Creating Edible Landscapes and Forest Garden Ecosystems with Fred Meyer

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 8, Creating Edible Landscapes and Forest Garden Ecosystems with Fred Meyer

Today’s guest is Fred Meyer, who is the founder of the non-profit called Backyard Abundance in Johnson County, Iowa. Backyard Abundance creates beautiful, environmentally beneficial landscapes that produce food for humans and wildlife. Basically, Fred and his team are turning lawns into food producing ecosystems, or Forest Gardens all over town, both in public parks, and around peoples homes.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 6, Woodcraft, Ecological Design, and Holistic Farm Integration with Mark Angelini

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 6, Woodcraft, Ecological Design, and Holistic Farm Integration with Mark Angelini

Todays guest is Mark Angelini, the other half of Roots 2 Fruits Ecological Design in Southern Michigan. We had his business partner, Trevor Newman, on here on episode 3. Mark is a generalized specialist. His work spans from art and design, to craft and woodwork, farming, gardening, forestry and of course, apple growing and cider making. Today we get to hear some updates on several of his projects, and his journies along the way.

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Spontaneous Gardens Planted by Our Pigs

Spontaneous Gardens Planted by Our Pigs

First we created winter pig pens using pallets that were freely available at many warehouses in town. Then we fed the pigs old vegetable waste from town throughout the winter, then covered the left overs with leaves. Many squash and tomato seeds from the food waste germinated in the spring and sprouted up through the mulch. The abundance of fertility in this location provided much plant food, and the leaves helped keep them from drying out during the summer.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 3, Restoring an Old Apple Tree Orchard and a Sip of Hard Cider with Trevor Newman

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 3, Restoring an Old Apple Tree Orchard and a Sip of Hard Cider with Trevor Newman

We’ve still got a LOT to learn about plant propagation, grafting, pruning and the other arts of tree cultivation. We’re blessed to have many experienced tree-whispers in our region like Archangel, and today’s guest, Trevor Newman of Roots to Fruits.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 2, The Permaculture Journey: Health, Apples, Fiber and Alpacas with Samantha Graves

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 2, The Permaculture Journey: Health, Apples, Fiber and Alpacas with Samantha Graves

Today’s guest is Samantha Graves of Healing Tree Farm at the historic DeYoungs farm in Northern Michigan. There, Samantha and her family are planting a Permaculture orchard and have had livestock like chickens, sheep and alpacas and are getting involved in fiber production. Their farm actually neighbors my families farm, and we’ve been working together for a few years now.

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Interview on Mark Shepard’s PDC with Graduate, Bryan Mets

Bryan Mets is a great friend, permaculture wizard, and founder of the Great Lakes Permaculture Portal, based in southern Michigan (Macomb). Last year he attended Mark Shepard’s Permaculture Design Course at Mark’s “New Forest Farm” in southwest Wisconsin. Ever since we devoured Mark’s book, Restoration Agriculture, we have nerded out on the fact that his farm is an actual working example of a large-acre permaculture based farm, incorporating keyline principles, swales, ponds, animal grazing, and perennial polycultures. He even grows his own biofuels to run his tractors and equipment! I’m excited to hear more about what Bryan learned at this 10 day, Permaculture farmer bootcamp. So, for both our enjoyment, I introduce the illustrious Bryan Mets!!

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Thanks BARC for composting food waste on our site, providing us with copious free organic matter and feed for pigs and chickens! Let's keep closing the loops!