Tiny Homes for TC
Affordable housing around the Traverse City, Michigan region is becoming harder and harder to find!
We’re working on providing tiny homes to rent, and rent-to-own as an affordable alternative option. Review the available tiny homes, the FAQ and supplemental info, then complete the form below if you’re interested in learning more

Available Homes:

Tiny Home 2.0 - 22ft with loft
[Occupied Indefinitely]

Tiny Home 1.0 - 25ft with loft
[Occupied Indefinitely]

Tiny Home 3.0 - 18ft with loft
[Occupied Indefinitely]
FAQ and Supplemental Info:
Tiny House Site Selection and Set Up
Details about selecting an appropriate site for the tiny home; electricity, water, etc
TC Tiny House Pre-Screener Form
If you’re interested in a tiny home, please complete this pre-screener form
Contact Us:
Why Rent-to-Own?
Perhaps you have a negative association with this term due to predatory practices of appliance and furniture rent-to-own companies. That’s unfortunate, and screw them.
However, this approach actually provides more opportunity for those who don’t have tens of thousands of dollars on hand to just buy a tiny house outright. You see, most banks don’t offer mortgages or loans for tiny homes because they’re not a conventional home. Most conventional homes around this area are upwards of $200,000. (And at current interest rates you’ll end up paying two or three times that much!) This leaves a massive gap in the market for starter homes that most people can actually afford. This creates another one of these poverty trap situations where those who can’t afford a mortgage for a conventional home are stuck in the endless cycle of paying rent, instead of building long-term equity in an asset like paying a mortgage for a house does.
Solution; Rent-to-own tiny homes. But how to make it fair and not exploitative? It all comes down to the contract terms. Contracts can be written in all sorts of ways, some manipulative, some mutually fair and transparent. Our model is based on a more fair approach called a shared equity mortgage.
This is an arrangement where the ownership is transferred, and thus equity is built gradually. (Usually a 7 to 10 year term) Either party can exit the agreement at any time, without losing their share of the equity.
For the right person, this is actually a great, low-risk opportunity to invest in a portable starter home while building equity for their future.