Category: Heating Systems

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 27, Air Water Food Shelter Kinship Meaning (Part 1)

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 27, Air Water Food Shelter Kinship Meaning (Part 1)

There’ll be few main parts to this episode. I’m going to start out by doing a survey of kind of our basic biological human needs. So you know food, energy, shelter, connection, love that type of thing. (our global life support systems) And look at those within the context of how we go about meeting those needs and how that has changed over time especially from pre-agriculture revolution and then after the agriculture revolution and now into modern technological age.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 25, Permaculture Homesteading with Justin Rhodes

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 25, Permaculture Homesteading with Justin Rhodes

Today’s guest is film producer, author and teacher Justin Rhodes who has been running his 75 acre permaculture farm near Asheville, NC for many years. He’s here to share with us some of the many lessons he’s learned along the way, and give some pointers to those getting started.

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Our Strawbale Passive Solar Greenhouse Folly

Our Strawbale Passive Solar Greenhouse Folly

Two years ago, Brenda and I were renting an apartment and I would commute to the farm every day to take care of our pigs, chickens, gardens and plant nursery. This situation quickly made it clear to me how important it is to actually be LIVING on the land you’re farming. This is because farming is really a lifestyle more than it is a job that you can just leave when you’re done. It makes demands of you that no job every would. This was how the adventure of our strawbale passive solar greenhouse began.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 15, Spiral Ridge Permaculture with Cliff Davis

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 15, Spiral Ridge Permaculture with Cliff Davis

Today’s guest, Cliff Davis was telling me that having all those pigs and plants to care for makes it hard to leave home and travel to experience new cultures and perspectives. And he values those experiences for personal growth and expansion, plus their a great source for new ideas. But fortunately there’s a continual flow of students and interns coming through his place, Spiral Ridge Permaculture…

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 9, City Permaculture, Design of Urban Landscapes with Levi Meeuwenberg

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 9, City Permaculture, Design of Urban Landscapes with Levi Meeuwenberg

Today’s episode is a little unique because there is no guest to interview. Instead I’ll be sharing some of the many take-aways from a recent Advanced Permaculture Design Course I took in Akron, Ohio.

This will be a way to help share and spread good ideas, as well as a good process for me to review my own notes and become more familiar with the material.

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Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 5, Commercial Scale Composting and Recycling with Andy Gale

Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 5, Commercial Scale Composting and Recycling with Andy Gale

Early in the spring this year we began using Realeyes Homestead as the commercial scale composting site for Traverse City. It has been a great partnership with Bay Area Recycling for Charities, a non-profit that created and runs the composting operation.

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Thanks BARC for composting food waste on our site, providing us with copious free organic matter and feed for pigs and chickens! Let's keep closing the loops!