Realize Homestead Shorts

The Potato Appeal

The Potato Appeal

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Levi (@levimeeuwenberg) πŸ’ͺ πŸ₯” Potato Power! πŸ₯” πŸ’ͺ I found this story interesting and inspiring! I'd never heard about the Potato Uprising in Sweden before. (And you gotta love those cheeky billboards πŸ˜†) Potatoes are one of the...

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Shiitake Mushroom Log Flush

Shiitake Mushroom Log Flush

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Levi (@levimeeuwenberg) Shiitake mushrooms are one of the tastiest and easiest to grow. πŸ„ πŸ„ πŸ„ πŸ„This was the biggest flush of the season so far! They'll do this once or twice a year, but sometimes also produce smaller...

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Full-Circle Chickens!

Full-Circle Chickens!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Levi (@levimeeuwenberg) πŸ‘‡ What are Full-Circle Chickens? πŸ‘‡ Livestock, like chickens, aren't inherently bad for the environment. They can actually be beneficial if managed properly. 🌱 🌿 🌳 'Full-circle Chickens' is the fun...

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Thanks BARC for composting food waste on our site, providing us with copious free organic matter and feed for pigs and chickens! Let's keep closing the loops!