Episode 18, Flint Water Crisis Permaculture Solutions with Nathan Ayers
Today’s guest is Nathan Ayers, who heads up Chiwara Permaculture out of Ann Arbor, Michigan and is currently focusing on Flint Water Crisis Permaculture Solutions. Nathan also does a lot of work integrating permaculture into traditional educational institutions from kindergarten all the way up through the university level.
Nathan is working with many other community leaders in Southern Michigan to run a Permaculture intensive training in Flint, Michigan focusing on water security and quality solutions. If you haven’t heard, the city of Flint has had extremely high levels of lead in their city water supply for over 18 months now, and it’s causing a public health epidemic. It’s also raising a lot of questions about what to do with our vast network of aging infrastructure in cities all around the country. As well as all the political, economic, and ethical issues surrounding something as vital as water.
Today we talk about;
- The Flint Water Crisis Permaculture Solutions
- Rainwater Harvesting, Rain Barrels and Cisterns
- Net 0 Water
- Constructed Wetlands
- Bioswales
- Complex systems thinking
- Solutions Oriented Nature based design
- Water filtration
- John Todd – Ecomachines/Living Machines
- Dioxane Plume (Gelman Plume) underground Ann Arbor
- The Lifespan of industrial infrastructure
- Chiwara Permaculture
- K-12 Permaculture curriculum
- Permaculture at the University of Michigan
- Getting kids outside
- STEM (STAEM) Education through Permaculture
- The PermaCycle
- Underground self-sustaining societies
- The most useful invention humans ever came up with
- How to rev up your inner engines
If you want to learn more about people who are in action, putting in solutions in flint, check out Flintopia on Facebook, Mission of Hope Flint on Facebook or at hope4flint.org, Abundant Michigan Permaculture Flint facebook group. Also you can check out Nathans work at ChiwaraPermaculture.com.
If you have any questions or comment for myself or Nathan, feel free to share those in the comments below.
Thanks for listening in!
Interesting topic but recording quality fluttery, someone is fidgeting with the mike or moving about instead of speaking consistently into the microphone / telephone. Topic of collecting rain water is SPOT-ON.
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll try to clean them up more when this happens.