Episode 16, COP21 Insights from the Paris Climate Conference with Albert Bates
- The Farm – Historic Social Experiment in Intentional Communal Living
- Ecovillages
- Cooperative Self Governance
- Activism
- The Paris Climate Conference and Agreement
- The myth of renewable energy,
- stocktakes
- the soil solution
- 4 in 1000
- Every Pipeline, Every Mine, You said 1.5 (degrees)
- Eliminating Fossil Fuel Use by 2050
Albert Bates is a longtime influential figure in environmental activism, and the ecovillage and permaculture movements. He’s a lawyer, an author and a teacher, who has been director of the Ecovillage Training Center at The Farm in Summertown, Tennessee since 1994.
Albert recently attended the COP21 Climate Conference in Paris, and wrote about his experiences there in his new book, The Paris Agreement.
- twitter: @peaksurfer
- blog: The Great Change
- Facebook: Albert Bates
- Youtube: Albert Bates Channel
This interview gave me a ton of perspective and insight on the COP21 Paris Climate Agreement. I’m so grateful to Albert Bates and others who have been pushing this ecological awareness at the powers that be for decades. Clearly, it DOES make a difference. What if we all used our voices to demand the necessary changes in our governments and institutions?
If you liked this episode, please drop us a review on ITunes, or a comment below.
If you have any good questions for Albert, feel free to post those as well and I’ll do my best to try to get them answered.
Stay tuned right here, because we got a lot more important things to cover, on the Permaculture Realized Podcast.