Permaculture Realized Podcast Episode 9, City Permaculture, Design of Urban Landscapes with Levi Meeuwenberg

Episode 9, City Permaculture, Design of Urban Landscapes with Levi Meeuwenberg
Today’s episode is a little unique because there is no guest to interview. Instead I’ll be sharing some of the many take-aways from a recent Advanced Permaculture Design Course I took in Akron, Ohio.
This will be a way to help share and spread good ideas, as well as a good process for me to review my own notes and become more familiar with the material.
Topics Covered:
- Common Issues of Cities
- Resource Use
- Water Management
- Transportation
- Integrated Diverse Housing Clusters
- Multi-use Districts
- City-Country Relationship
- “The Stranger”
- Pattern Language
- Community Political Voice
- Human Scale City
- Reclaim the Streets for People not Automobiles
- Curitiba, Brazil – A Case Study
- Soil Remediation
- Combined Storm – Sewer Systems
- Ground Water and Run-off
- Retention Basins and Rain Gardens
- Blackwater Constructed Wetland
- Co-Generation with Biomass
- District Heating
- Solar Electricity
- Firewood
- Passive Houses
References from the Podcast:
A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander (1977)
The Permaculture Handbook by Peter Bane (2012)
Edible Forest Gardens by Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier (2005)